Rothschild Monthly Membership

The Rothschild Society supports the synagogue’s 23 services each week, over 30 classes each week, weekly youth groups, family holiday programs, and YouTube Parsha & Holiday videos. By joining the Rothschild Society you are creating a stronger community and spreading Jewish values throughout NV to a diverse & multi-generational group.

Benefits of joining the Rothschild Society:

– Private learning sessions with Rabbi Wyne, Rabbi Anderson, or Rabbi Orlowek
– Presented with the plaque recognizing members of this category and free entry at the Year-End Cocktail Reception
– Classes led by Rabbi Wyne, Rabbi Anderson, and Rabbi Orlowek
– Dynamic Youth Programming
– Adult congregant called to the Torah for an Aliyah during High Holiday services
– Complimentary full page ad in the synagogue’s annual Gala Journal
– Two free tickets to all of the synagogues Shabbatons & programs

*Benefits vary based on your level of Rothschild membership. The benefits listed above are for the highest level.

  • Silver Rothschild, $316/mo.
  • Gold Rothschild, $416/mo.
  • Platinum Rothschild, $1000/mo.

All Rothschild dues are payable over the year.


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