About Us

Rabbi Yitzchak Wyne

Rabbi Yitz Wyne is the founder and spiritual leader of Young Israel Aish of Las Vegas. Rabbi Wyne’s sense of purpose and fulfillment in life is inextricably connected to the sharing of the timeless Torah knowledge, values and spiritual beauty with the entire Las Vegas community. Rabbi Wyne credits his dedication to kiruv (bringing Jews closer to Judaism) to Rabbi Weinberg’s knowledge, inspiration and dynamic leadership.

In addition to leading a growing congregation, hosting The Rabbi Show every Sunday at 9 a.m. on KDWN, recording his weekly YouTube Parsha Videos, corresponding with hundreds of Facebook ‘friends,’ and speaking often on topics related to his best selling book entitled “Life is Great! Revealing the 7 Secrets to a More Joyful You”, Rabbi Wyne finds time to enjoy life in Las Vegas with his wife, Helene and their six children.

Rabbi Wyne can be reached at RabbiWyne@YIAish.com

Rabbi Avi Anderson, LMSW

Rabbi Avi Anderson was raised in Brooklyn, NY. He received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and also completed his MS in Jewish Education at YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Education and Administration.

Prior to attending YU, Rabbi Anderson studied in Waterbury, CT for five years. While attending yeshiva in Waterbury, Rabbi Anderson earned a BS in Business Administration from Post University.

In his spare time, Rabbi Anderson also earned a certificate from the National Council of Young Israel in Advanced Rabbinic and Synagogue Management, as well as certificates in Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy from Transform Destiny.
Rabbi Anderson served as the rabbinic intern at The Roslyn Synagogue and taught as a Beit Midrash Fellow at Ramaz Upper School. Rabbi Anderson has also taught in Congregation Ahavath Torah in Engelwood, NJ and has organized and run minyanim at Congregation Tephereth Israel in New Britain, CT. He served as Chaplain in NYU Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital for several Chagim-Holidays.

In May of 2022 Rabbi Anderson completed a Master’s in Social Work and subsequently became licensed as a social worker.

Rabbi Anderson, his wife, Rivky, an occupational therapist, and their children, Chaya, Shira, Meira, Eliana, and David are an integral part of Young Israel Aish.

Rabbi Anderson would love to hear from you and can be reached at rabbianderson@yiaish.com

Rabbi Moshe Orlowek

Director of Israeli Outreach Rabbi Moshe Orlowek was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. He learned in Yeshivat Chevron, YG of Detroit, and BMG in Lakewood. While living in New York, he became involved in a Kiruv program for Young Jewish Professionals. There, Moshe met his wife, Dassi, who was also running the program and for the past two years Moshe and Dassi have been running the program together.
Moshe has also participated in a rabbinic program under Rabbi Moshe Plutchok and has worked as a director in a real estate investment company. Moshe, Dassi and their son, Gedalya Simcha, are excited to serve the Las Vegas community. To contact Rabbi Moshe, email MosheOrlowek@gmail.com

Yoetzet Halacha Stacey Goldman

Yoetzet Halacha Stacey Goldman completed the Miriam Glaubach Center’s US Yoetzet Halacha Fellows Program at Nishmat in 2019.
She has taught Tanach for over 15 years at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia, and previously taught at Maimonides High School in Boston. Stacey has also taught at Aish HaTorah Philadelphia, The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, the University of Pennsylvania Hillel, and Congregation Sons of Israel in Cherry Hill. She publishes reflective essays and articles on Jewish life and other topics, many of which can be found at chabad.org. Some of her lectures can be found at YUTorah (https://www.yutorah.org/morah-stacey-goldman/). She received her B.A. from Barnard College in Ancient Studies. Stacey is married to Amir Goldman and is the proud mother of five delightful sons.

Yoetzet Halacha- lit. Jewish Law Consultant, is a woman trained to teach & answer questions from women in the laws of family purity, as well as to provide guidance in issues of family planning, infertility and psychological & physical issues related to family purity.

The best way to reach Stacey is by emailing staceyamir@gmail.com or by texting 610-331-4924.

Advisory Board

  • Dr. Adam Milman, Chairman
  • Jeri Laxmeter, Secretary
  • Adam Chuckrow
  • Hadassa Lefkowitz
  • Avi Roberts
  • Chemie Wyne
  • Ray Zetoony

Shul Office Staff & Contact Information

Ayala Lendau, Office Manager – 702-360-8909 | Office@YIAish.com

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